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Print Preview
Many programs let you view how the printed version of your document will come out. You can see what a printed copy of your document will look like before you print it. This is especially useful if you're printing brief text on a page and want to make sure it's properly centered. With print preview, you can see what the finished document will look like without wasting time, money, paper, and ink on something you may want to change.
In Microsoft Word or WordPad, open the File menu, then click on Print Preview. The preview screen will show the whole page. In Microsoft Word, to read the text, click on the area where the text is you want to read. In WordPad, click the Zoom In button.
Click Close to resume working on the document.
Printing Multiple Copies
In Windows, the number of copies you want to print is controlled from within the Print Dialog box.
From within your program, choose the File menu, and then select the Print option. Do not click on the Print Icon, in many cases that bypasses the Print Dialog box.
Set the number of copies you want to print, and click OK.
Hint: On Inkjet printers, the pages usually print face up. Look in the Print dialog box for an option to allow you to print pages in reverse order so you won't have to manually rearrange them.
Word can print an address on an envelope. After typing a letter which includes an inside address, click Tools, Envelopes and Labels.Click the Envelopes tab
The inside address from the letter will be in the delivery address box. If necessary type a return address, or click the Omit box to remove the return address (use this feature for letterhead envelopes).
Click Print.
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